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初一英语期末综合检测-学生频道-【 无锡家教网 - wxjjw.NET】
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发布者:本站编辑 发布时间:2008-7-14 阅读:3971次 【字体:


第一卷 选择题 (56分)


  1.They often do some washing on Sundays.
  A. wash clothes                 B. clean the house          C. make the bed

  2.Tom walks to school every day.
  A. goes to school by bus        B. goes to school by car    C. goes to school on foot

  3.There are many pencils on the desk.
  A. a lot of                     B. some                     C. a few

  4.It’s near his home.
  A. not far                      B. not far from             C. not near

  5.Let’s go shopping this afternoon.
  A. buy something                B. sell something           C. go to work in a shop

二、单项选择 (1×15)

 6. Mr White is an American, but he can speak ______ Chinese.
 A. a little  B. any  C. a lot  D. many

 7. I would like ______, please.
 A. two bottles of milks  B. two bottles milk
 C. two bottles of milk   D. two bottle milks

 8. The boy is too ______. He can't go to school.
 A. big  B. short  C. small  D. young

 9. It's seven in the morning. Many students are ______.
 A. having supper      B. swimming in the river
 C. staying in the car  D. going to school

 10. Here are three new books. One is English , ______ are Chinese.
 A. other  B. the other two  C. the other  D. others

 11. Put on your coat. ______ .
 A. Not take off it.   B. Not take it off.
 C. Don't take it off   D. Don't take off them.

 12. One of the great inventions (发明)______ computer.
 A. am  B. is  C. are  D. be

 13. —______ is your new bike?
    —1000 yuan.
    —Oh, it's so dear.
 A. How many  B. How much  C. How about  D. Where

 14. Do you read English ______?
 A. on every morning  B. in every morning
 C. every morning    D. in morning

 15. —Can I help you, madam?
      —I'd like a kilo of ______.
 A. meat  B. cake  C. banana  D. apple

 16. Would you like ______?
 A. drink something   B. something to drink
 C. drink anything   D. anything to drink

 17. They're ______. They're from ______. They speak English.
 A. Australians, Australia  B. French, France
 C. Japanese, Japan       D. Chinese, China
 18. —Do you like football?
     —Yes. I'm not very good ______ it, but I like ______.
 A. in, to see    B. for, looking
 C. at, watching   D. to, play

 19. Let you and ______ good friends. And let ______ help you.
 A. my are, I     B. I am, I
 C. me be, me    D. I are, me

 20. Walking for about half ______ hour ______ the farm is good ______ her health.
 A. an, on, for  B. an, in, with
 C. an, in, for  D. a, on, with


( A )

  Mr Li teaches Chinese in the USA . He comes back to China every year. He gives us a talk. He says," K Day in the USA is very interesting. All children like it very much. It is on March 7th. When you go out on that day, you can see children running with kites in the open air(露天). When you look up, you can see different kites in the sky(天空). Some are big, and some are small. They are in different colours. Every kite has a long string(长线). The children begin to run when they get the kites up. Every child has a good time that day.

 21. Mr Li is ______. He works in the USA.
 A. a worker  B. an English teacher
 C. a doctor  D. a Chinese teacher

 22. Mr Li says something about ______.
 A. how to study English  B. K Day in the USA
 C. his work in the USA   D. playing in the open air

 23. March 7th is ______.
 A. Children's Day        B. Teachers' Day
 C. K Day                 D. Tree Planting Day(植树节)

 24. Every kite has ______.
 A. a short string         B. a long string
 C. the same colour        D. the same size(大小)

 25. There are ______ kites in the sky on that day.
 A. all kinds of         B. one kind of
 C. three kinds of       D. three

( B )







Get up

7:10 a.m.

7:10 a.m.

7:10 a.m.

7:10 a.m.

7:10 a.m.

























Go to sleep

10:15 p.m.

10:15 p.m.

10:15 p.m.

10:15 p.m.

10:15 p.m.


  26. On ______, Paula usually gets up at 7:10 am.
 A. Thursdays  B. Wednesdays
 C. weekdays   D. weekends

 27. Pizza is a kind of ______.
 A. drink   B. fruit   C. toy   D. food

 28. Paula's favourite sport is ______.
 A. volleyball   B. table-tennis   C. yo-yo   D. football

 29. On Wednesday evenings Paula usually ______.
 A. watches TV            B. does her homework
 C. washes her clothes    D. goes to see her friends

 30. Which is wrong?
 A. Paula goes to school from Monday to Friday.
 B. Paula goes to bed after ten o'clock.
 C. Paula has sports in the afternoon.
 D. Paula usually has Pizza for lunch.

( C )

  Mr White and Mrs White quarrel(争吵)with each other at home. So they are angry(生气)with each other. They don't speak to each other at all. One evening Mr White is very tired(累)when he comes back from work. So he goes to bed early after supper. But he wants to get up early next morning, he writes some words on a piece of paper, and puts it on the table near his wife's bed.

  Mrs White washes the supper things and does some cleaning. She goes to bed very late. Suddenly she finds a piece of paper on the table. It says,"Mother—wake me up(叫醒)at 7:00 a.m.—Father."

  When Mr White gets up in the morning. It is very late. He sees another piece of paper on the table. It says," Father—get up, it is 7:00 a.m.—Mother."

  31. One day, Mr White writes his wife a note. On it he writes"__________".
  A. Please don't speak to me.
  B. Please wake me up early tomorrow
  C. Please cook me something nice to eat
  D. Hi, how are you?

  32. Mrs White __________.
  A. wakes Mr White up at seven in the morning
  B. washes a lot of clothes every day
  C. writes a note, too
  D. goes to work very early

 33. In the passage "Mother" and "Father" mean __________.
 A. Mrs White and Mr White's mother and father
 B. Mrs White and Mr White
 C. Ann's mother and father
 D. my mother and father

四、完型填空 (1×10)

  These days men and women , young and old are ___34_____ the same kind of ___35____, and a lot of ___36_____ have long hair(头发). We often can't ___37_____whether (是否)they are boys or girls, men or women.

  ___38_____ old man often goes to walk in the park. He is sitting on a chair now. A young person is ___39_____ ___40_____ him.

  "Oh, goodness!" the old man says to the other one. "Do you ___41_____ that person with long hair? Is it a boy or a girl?"

  "A boy," says the other one. "He is my son." "Oh," says the old man, "Please ____42____ me. I don't know you are his __43______." "I'm not his mother, I'm his father," says the other one.

  34. A. having      B. wearing       C. putting       D. buying

  35. A. clothes     B. trees         C. pictures      D. Bags

  36. A. we          B. your          C. them          D. Theirs

  37. A. talk        B. teach         C. say           D tell

  38. A. An          B. A             C. The           D. /

  39. A. running     B. flying        C. standing      D. driving

  40. A. on          B. beside        C. in            D. At

  41. A. see         B. watch         C. look          D. Read

  42. A. help        B. excuse        C. teach         D. Ask

  43. A. baby        B. sister        C. father        D. Mother

第二卷 非选择题 (44分)

  1. Kate's glass is empty. She wants a f______ one.

  2. I think my father can help you m______ your broken bike.

  3. I have two pencils. One is short, the other is l______.

  4. Please open the w______. It's getting hot here.

  5. Something is w______ with my bike. May I borrow yours?

  6. S_______ comes after Friday.

二、根据句意,用括号中所给词的适当形式填空. (1×6)

  7. There are some ________ there, talking loudly. (woman)

  8. This blouse isn't hers. It's ________. (my)

  9. The people on the farm are very ________. (friend)

  10. Do you know ________? (he)

  11. Tom's uncle can drive cars. He is a good ________. (drive)

  12. He sits in the ________ (nine) row.

三. 选词并用其适当形式填空。(1×10)

work, close, look, have, teacher, pen, eat, China , play, climb

  13. This is our ________ desk. Ours are over there.

  14. Bill has three ________. One is new and the other two are old.

  15. His uncle ________ very young but he is over forty.

  16. Let's ________ basketball after class.

  17. Look! The cats are ________ up the trees.

  18. The shop isn't open. It's ________.

  19. My brother ________ some new picture books.

  20. In our classroom there is a large map of ________.

  21. Mum, please give me something to ________. I'm very hungry.

  22. Does Mr Green like ________ in this Chinese school?


23. ------How do you like about China ?  
            A   B       C
    ------The people

24.There are three kilo of pears on the table.
          A         B   C    D

25. This is my coat. I want to put on it.
          A  B             C      D

26. The room is empty, so I can’t look at anything in it.
                  A    B              C       D


A. Please give it back soon.
B. It's over there
C. Certainly. When do you want it?
D. Thank you very much.
E. Black and red, and it's not very new.

 A: Excuse me, Lin Tao!
 B: Yes?

 A: My bike is broken. Can I borrow yours?
 B: __27____.

 A: This afternoon.
 B: OK. Here's the key.

 A: ____28__. But where is it?
 B: __29____.

 A: What colour is it?
 B: __30____.

 A: I see. I think I can find it.
 B: ___31___.

 A: All right. See you!


 32. 袋子里有很多大米。 there, rice, in, bag

 33. 该做游戏了,咱们走吧。 time, play games, go

 34. 你骑车上学吗? go to school, by bike, every day

 35. 你想吃点什么? what, would, like eat

 36. 林先生星期天不上班。 Mr Lin, not, go to work, Sundays

七、根据中文提示和英文词语提示,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑的英文文段:(所有英文提示 语必须用上。(8分)


 1. this, man, come, Sydney

 2. he, China, very much

 3. now, teach, in Beijing

 4. he, say, Beijing, big, beautiful, like, work, here



 1------5 ACABA         6------10 ACDDB
 11------15 CBBCA    16------20 BACCA
 21------25 DBCBA    26------30 CDBAD
 31------33 BCB        34------38 BACDA
 39------43 CBABD


 1. full 2. mend 3. Long 4. window 5. wrong 6. Saturday 7. women 8. mine 9. friendly 10. him 11. driver 12. ninth 13. teacher's 14. pens 15. looks 16. play 17. climbing 18. closed 19. has 20. China 21. eat 22. working 23. A, What 24. B, kilos 25. D, put it on 26. C, see

 27------31 CDBEA

 32. There is much / a lot of rice in the bag.

 33. It's time to play games. Let's go.

 34. Do you go to school by bike every by?

 35. What would you like to eat?

 36. Mr Lin doesn't go to work on Sundays.

 七. This old man comes from Sydney. He likes China very much. Now, he is teaching in Beijing. He says Beijing is big and beautiful, he likes working her.


 6. A. many不能修饰不可数名词,a lot只有在加of才能修饰名词,any表示"任何",与题意不符。所以选A,表示"一点儿"。

 7. C. milk是不可数名词,后面不能加s, "两瓶牛奶"应表示为two bottles of milk。

 8. D. 表示"年龄小",应用young,short表示"短, 矮", small表示"(东西)小", big表示"大"。

 9. D. 通过It's seven in the morning(早上7点)推断,只有going to school符合题意。

 10. B. 本题意为"这有三本新书,一本英语书,另两本是语文书"。The other two表示"另外两本"的意思。

 11. C. 祈使句的否定形式用don't. coat是单数,所以用代词it替代。

 12. B.主语是one,所以用is。

 13. B. 提问价钱,用how much。

 14. C. every morning前不用加介词。"在早晨"应是in the morning, 所以D是错误的。

 15. A. 选项B,C,D均是可数名词,其变成复数。

 16. B. something to drink表示"一些喝的东西"。

 17. A. 四个选项中只有A(澳大利亚)把英语作为母语。

 18. C. be good at表示"擅长于",表示"看比赛",动词要用watch.

 19. C. 做动词let的宾语,代词要用宾格me, 而let后要接动词原形,let sb do sth,所以选C.

 20. A. half an hour表示"半小时",on the farm意为"在农场里",be good for表示"对……有好处。"

 37. B. 在这四个选项中,只有B (wearing )表示"穿着"的意思。

 38. A. 只有A与文中意思相符。

 39. C. 做介词of的年宾语,要用宾格形式。

 40. D. tell除了表示"告诉",还有"分辨"的意思。

 41. A. 指"一个老人",old以元音音素开始,所以用an.

 42. C. 本句意为"一个年轻人站在他的旁边",他才有可能与他谈话。

 43. B.

 44. A. see表示"看见",强调结果,watch指"看(电视、比赛等)", look 表示"看",强调"动作",read指"读书,看报等"。

 45. B. "Please excuse me"表示"请原谅我".

 46. D. 通过下文"I'm not his mother",推断出此处应选D.


 23. 问的是"你喜欢中国的什么",所以疑问词应用what.

 24. three kilos表示"三公斤",kilo应变成复数。

 25. 代词应放在两者之间,变成put it on.

 26. look at表示"看",强调动作,而see强调结果,表示"我什么也没看见。"




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