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Unit 3 Asia 课文分析 语法讲解 重点难点-学生频道-【 无锡家教网 - wxjjw.NET】
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Unit 3 Asia 课文分析 语法讲解 重点难点
发布者:本站编辑 发布时间:2009-8-31 阅读:8682次 【字体:


    1. Unless you have a map, you will get lost easily.


    (1) unless 除非

    He’ll go there unless it rains.


    He is sure to come unless he has some urgent work to do at home.


    (2) get lost迷路

    I gave you a map so you wouldn’t get lost.


    The little child got lost while his parents doing shopping.


    2. The emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties used to live here.


    “主语+used to+动词原形+其它”这个句型结构表示过去的习惯,暗示现在已无此习惯。


    其否定形式是主语+didn’t use to+动原

    问句形式为:Did+主语+use to+…?

    反意疑问句:主语+used to+…,did+主语?

    和used to 相关的其它句型:

    get / be used to doing 习惯于做……

    be used for doing被用来

    I used to be afraid of the dark.


    Mary used to be short.


    You used to have long hair, didn’t you?


    I used to live in Shanghai.


    3.You will be attracted by the beautiful design of the buildings, and the clothes and furniture that the emperors used in the past.

    (1) attract 吸引

    We were attracted by the display of lights.


    The fire attracted significant coverage from the media.


    (2) in the past 在过去,表过去,句子要用过去时。

    English was spoken here in the past.


    In the past he has been a milkman and now he’s a farmer.


    4. It is the biggest square in the world and is always filled with tourists.


    be filled with用……充满

    One was filled with petrol, one with castor oil and one with vinegar.


    be filled with 充满了……,我们也常用fill(in)…with…。例如:

    Please fill in the blanks with right verb forms.


    The cup is filled with water.


    另外,be full of 也是“充满”的意思。例如:

    The bag is filled with apples. = The bag is full of apples.


    5. Every day many tourists gather here early in the morning so that they can watch the raising of the national flag.


    (1) so that“以便于……,为了……”。引导目的状语从句,意为“以便,使能够”,从句中的谓语动词常由can, could, may或might+实意动词构成。例如:

    We will get up early tomorrow so that we can catch the early bus.


    We bought another TV set so that each of us could have his own.


    I’ll speak slowly so that you can understand me.


    注意:so that 和so…that 的区别

    so that作 “以致于” 讲时, 相当于so…that…句型中that的含义。作“为了……”讲就与so…that…不同了。例如:

    I got up very early yesterday so that I could get to school first.

    昨天我起的很早, 为了第一个到校。

    It is raining heavily so that we are late for school. = It is raining so heavily that we are late for school.

    雨下得很大, 以致于我们上学迟到了。

    (2) raise在此处表“升”,除此之外,raise还有好多其它的意思。例如:

    raise v. 提高

    He raised the lid of the box. 他提起了盒子盖。

    raise v. 召集,筹集

    The king raised an army. 国王召集起一支军队。

    raise v. 抚育,饲养

    They raise horses. 他们养马。

    6. It consists mainly of a hill and a man-made lake, with bridges, pagodas and halls all over the area.


    (1) consist of由…组成

    The committee consists of ten members.


    (2) man-made 人造的

    man-made satellite 人造卫星

    (3) all over遍及

    He is going to travel all over the world by plane.


    English is spoken in many countries all over the world.


    7. You can experience its beauty and greatness although it is very tiring to climb it step by step.



    I had a usual experience yesterday.


    He has not enough experience for the position.


    A man of your experience ought to do well.



    He experienced all sorts of difficulties and hardships.


    He is much experienced in teaching.


    8. You cannot imagine how amazing they are unless you see them with your own eyes.


    imagine + n. / doing

    imagine sb. doing

    imagine + that … 想像(做)……

    You might imagine that LA must be a very beautiful city.


    Can you imagine living on a lonely island by yourself?




    A 用although 引导从句


    Although it was expensive, we decided to buy it.


    Although I still make lots of mistakes, it doesn’t bother me like it used to.


    Although we all tried our best, we lost the game.


    He went to the party at last, although he didn’t like it.


    Although her father is in the company, she got the job on her own.


    B 用unless 谈论例外情况


    My baby sister never cries unless she is hungry. (= My baby sister never cries if she isn’t hungry.)


    I shall go there tomorrow unless I'm too busy. (= I shall go there tomorrow if I'm not too busy.)


    Unless you go at once, you will be late. (= If you don’t go at once, you will be late.)


    C 用so that 谈论做某事的目的

    so that “以便,为了”引导目的状语从句

    He got up early so that he could go to school on time.


    She takes notes carefully in class so that she may use them when she reviews her lessons after class.


    Please finish doing your homework quickly so that you can help your mother with housework.


    Integrated Skills

    1. arrive in Tokyo



    It is said that he will arrive tomorrow.


    He was among the first to arrive.


    arrive一般和介词in, at搭配。at后一般跟小地点, in后跟大地点。例如:

    I arrived in Beijing at 7:00 on the morning of August 15.


    When I arrived at the station. I learnt the train had already left.


    2. leave Japan for other Asian countries


    leave…for…离开……去……;leave for 动身去……,

    We are leaving Beijing for Shanghai.


    When are you leaving for London?


    What did you forget to carry before you left for class this morning? 


    He is leaving for Shanghai tomorrow.


    3. But it all depends on the weather.


    depend on “依靠, 依赖; 取决于”

    He is a man to depend on.


    Children must depend on their parents.


    You can depend on his honesty.


    The decision depends on whether we have enough experience.




    1. You can go there by air and it just takes about two hours.


    (1) just “只,仅仅”

    Just as you opened your mouth, I thought of the answer to the question.


    (2) take“花,用”

    It’ll take us about half an hour to go there.


    2. It is easy to exchange your money in the banks in Beijing.


    It is easy to do…是以it 做形式主语引导的主语从句。


    It is + adj. / n. + that …

    It is said / reported … + that …

    It is certain that fuels like coal and oil cause a lot of pollution.


    It seemed strange that he came so late today.


    It is not yet decided when and where the talk will be given.


    It is hoped that you’ll be able to attend the concert.


    3. Olympic Park is where the 1988 Seoul Olympic games were held.

    where 在此句中引导地点状语从句


    I’ll go where work conditions are difficult.


    I found the key where I had left it.


    Where there is a will, there is a way.


    Wherever you are, you should work for the people heart and soul.


    4. There are hundreds of shops in Myeongdong Shopping District.

    hundreds of 表示“数以百计的”。它与thousands of, millions of 等一样,主要用来强调“多”,它们只能表示“大约多至”,“数以……计”,不可表示明确的数目,前面切不可加表示具体概念的数词。但是,这类词组前可以加一些表示不确定数目的修饰语。例如:

    These things were all invented hundreds years ago.


    Thousands of people went to watch the football match.


    Many hundreds of buildings are being built.


    Several millions of trees are planted in our country every year.


    注意:hundred, thousand, million 等在表示具体概念的数字时,后面都不可再加“-s”,前面需加表具体数量的词。例如:

    There are more than eight hundred students in our school.


    At the beginning of the twentieth century, the world’s population was about 1,700 million.


    5. You can also spend a day in Bears Town Ski Resort.


    spend money on sth.

    She spends too much money on clothes.



    spend sth. on sth. / in doing sth.

    They always spend a lot of time in explaining a plan.



    ①spend 的主语必须是人,宾语可以是钱、精力、时间等,用法如下:

    spend…on (for)+名词

    He spends much money on books.


    spend …(in) doing sth.

    Every morning he spends half an hour in reading English.



    The book costs him one dollar.


    Making experiments like this costs much time and labor.



    常用 “It takes(took) sb. some time to do sth.” 结构。

    It took me ten minutes to go to the post office.


    Painting the picture took me all week.


    ④pay 意思是“支付”,作为及物动词,宾语可以是人、钱。例如:

    He paid the taxi and hurried to the station.


    They had to pay two hundred francs.


    pay for 的宾语为物、事。for 表示支付的原因。

    You’ll have to pay me ten dollars a week for your meals.



    1. I wish people could walk or ride bicycles instead of driving cars unless it is really necessary.

    (1) wish意为“想要,需要,渴望,希望,但愿”,后接名词性从句,从句中的动词用虚拟语气形式。

    I wish I could fly like a bird.


    I really wish I could read some funny stories.


    I wish to come tomorrow.



    I send you my best wishes.




    ①hope与wish后都可接动词不定式,但wish后还可接“sb. + to do sth. ”的结构,而hope则不可以。如果用hope表达主语希望别人做某事时,后面要接宾语从句。例如:

    Jim hopes to get a baby horse for his birthday.


    I hope to have a look at your new car.


    The little girl hopes her mother will come home from work earlier today.


    My aunt wishes to find her lost watch somewhere.


    The little girl wishes her mother to come home from work earlier every day.



    We hope to visit this place again.


    We hoped to save more money.


    I’m hoping that you will accept my offer.


    He wishes to go to the moon now.


    I wish I could make no mistakes in the exams without any difficulty.


    (2) instead of“代替,而不是”

    instead of 是介词短语,其后跟名词、代词、动名词或介词短语作其宾语,例如:

    He went there to gain money instead of to spend money.


    He likes playing football instead of basketball.


    My father watched TV last night instead of seeing a movie.


    You should join a queue instead of jumping the queue.


    辨析:instead of与instead

    ①instead of后面的事物往往是不做的,没有的。后面接名词,代词或动词-ing形式。

    I stayed at home all day instead of going to work.


    Let’s play cards instead of watching TV.



    I didn’t go to work. Instead, I stayed at home all day.


    Our car has something wrong. Shall we go there by bus instead?


    We’ve no coffee. Would you like tea instead?


    2. Unless I learn to cook, I will not be able to enjoy the tasty Chinese food when I go back to the USA.

    be able to “能,可以”

    It is hoped that you’ll be able to attend the concert.


    辨析:can与be able to

    ①can和be able to都可表示“能,可以”,意思上相同。但can只有现在式和过去式(could)两种形式。如需用其它时态,则用be able to代替,例如:

    He can still be alive.


    He can’t be poor.


    He has not been able to finish the work in time.


    I’ll be able to see you tomorrow.


    ②如果我们要表示一个动作成功地完成了,那么必须用was able to,而不能用could。例如:

    He was able to leave Europe before the war began.


    He was able to go to Paris yesterday and enjoyed himself very much.


    ③在否定句中could与be able to两者意思一样。例如:

    I could not / was not able to swim to the other side of the river.


    ④can / could不应与be able to同时使用。



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