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Unit 2 Robots 课文分析-学生频道-【 无锡家教网 - wxjjw.NET】
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Unit 2 Robots 课文分析
发布者:本站编辑 发布时间:2009-8-31 阅读:9334次 【字体:


    1.cook dinner 做饭

    The old woman asked her daughter to cook dinner for her.

    The robot could do anything for me: do the housework, go shopping, cook dinner, even help me with my homework. the laundry  洗衣服,相当于 do the washing。

    laundry  n. 待洗的衣服,洗衣店

    There's not much laundry this week.


    I have to make the bed and do the laundry.

    Did you do the laundry today?


    3.explore dangerous places   探察危险的地方

    explore v. 探测,探险

    exploring the Amazon jungle 对亚马逊河森林进行勘探


    We must explore all the possibilities.


    4.iron shirts  熨衬衫

    iron 铁, 熨斗  

    He is a man made of iron.


    Strike while the iron is hot.

    (谚语) 趁热打铁。

    Some of the rubbish,such as food,paper and iron,rots away over a long period  of time.  有些废物,如剩饭、废纸和废铁,时间一久就掉了。

    A: What can robots do?

    B: They can cook meals, sweep the floor, iron shirts, wash the dishes and so on.

    5.make the bed  整理床铺

    A: What are you doing? 你正在干什么?

    B: I'm making the bed. 我在整理床铺。

    make the bed整理床铺


    ①He helps me (to) make the bed.

    他帮我整理床铺。(不能说…make my bed. )

    ②The students are making the beds.

    学生正在整理床铺。(不能说…making their beds.

    6.sweep the floor  扫地

    A: Have you swept the floor? 你扫地了吗?

    B: Yes, I have.             是的,扫了。

    7.wash the dishes 洗餐具  注意:dish 常用复数形式

    Why does he have to wash the dishes?


    8.Children all like to play with robots.


    play with 和……玩,或玩…… eg:

    I'm playing with my new doll.

    They are playing with a yo-yo.

    I am afraid to play with dogs.


    It's dangerous to play with fire.



   1.Mr. Jiang is the first person in Sunshine Town to own a robot.

    to own a robot  是不定式短语做定语,修饰 person。e.g.

    But there was no time to think.但没有时间想了。

    句中不定式短语to think做定语,修饰前面的名词time。

    Have you had enough to eat?


    He couldn't earn enough to keep a family of four.


    2.The robot changed his life a lot in many ways.


    in many ways 在很多方面

    Fire can help people in many ways.

    Computers are being used in many ways.


    The doctor advised me to keep fit in many ways.


    3.In order to have more free time, I have to buy a robot.

    in order to 为了 ……, 后加动词原形,表示目的。e.g.

    In order to get there on time, he started very early.


    In order to catch the other students, I must work hard.


    In order to lose weight, she is careful about her food and drink.


    辨析in order to / in order that

    (1)in order to +动词原形


    in order not to do sth.

    The assistant told the students to keep quiet in order not to disturb others.

    (2)in order that 后接从句,表示目的,从句中常用may, can, could, might, will be able to, would, should 等情态动词。

    He spoke slowly in order that everyone could understand him.

    4.The robot made Mr. Jiang's life much easier.


    make + 宾语+ 形容词做宾语补足语,其中宾语补足语可以用名词、形容词、动词的过去分词或省略to的不定式等,以表示宾语的情况或动作。

    He was a little man with thick glasses, but he had a strange way of making his class lively and interesting.


    Your letter made me very happy.


    He raised his voice to make himself heard.


    5.The robot ironed Mr. Jiang's shirts and made a lunch box for him every day.

    iron  动词,熨烫。 iron 也可以做名词,表示“熨斗,铁”

    Make a lunch box for him. 为他准备午餐盒。

    6.As a result, Mr. Jiang no longer needed to get up early to do the housework and he could stay in bed for an extra hour.


    (1)as a result意为:因此、结果。例如:

    As a result , Chaplin got his first film art in the States.


    It was late at night and there was no bus. As a result,we had to walk home.


    He has broken his leg. As a result,he will have to be away from school for two or three months.


    as a result之后还可以加of结构,即:as a result of,意为:由于……的结果。


    He is unable to go to work as a result of the fall from his bike.


    As a result of his hard work,he received a big prize.


    (2)no longer  不再,相当于 not any longer  上句也可写成:

    …Mr. Jiang did not need to get up early to do the housework any longer and he … .

    an extra hour = one more hour = another hour 表示“在原来的基础上再加一小时”。

    辨析no more 与not …any more


    (1)谈数量或程度时,要用no more. eg.

    There is no more bread.


    He's no more genius than I am.


    (2)说时间时,不用no more, 可用not …any more或no longer, not …any longer. eg.

    He doesn't live here any more.


    I can not stand it any longer.


    It no longer exists.


    7.While Mr. Jiang was at work, the robot would clean his flat.


    at work的意思是“在工作”。at是介词,表示人和事物的状态。work作“工作”解时,是不可数名词。此外,在短语前,往往带be动词,即be at work.例如:

    1)—Where is your father?  你父亲在哪儿?

    —He's at work.  在上班

    2)Is your mother at work now ? 你母亲现在在上班吗?


    be at home 在家       be at school 在上学

    be at work = be working 在工作,在上班 e.g.

    My father is at work at his office.

    8.A delicious dinner would be ready for him on the table.

    be ready for sb. / sth. 为某人/某事做好准备。

    e.g. He is ready for the party.

    be ready to do sth. 准备做某事

    e.g. They are ready to share things with others.

    9.Mr. Jiang was very happy with his robot.

    be happy with sb. / sth. 对某人/某事感到满意。

    e.g. She is not happy with her present job.

    I am very happy with what you have done.

    类似的短语还有  be satisfied / pleased with sb. /sth.

    10.A few days later, things started to go wrong.


    go wrong  走错路,发生故障

    e.g. He had gone wrong and made many mistakes.

    My computer has gone wrong. It doesn't work.

    11.Mr. Jiang did not know what he should do with the robot.

    do with 与what 连用,表示“对待、处理”,表示“怎样处理某事”要说“what… do with…”,不说 “how… do with…”。

    e.g. I don't know what to do with the rubbish.

    What have you done with the milk?

    12.The robot was just too much trouble. 


    too much“太多”,修饰不可数名词或动词;

    e.g. too much time; too much money; eat too much

    too many “太多”,修饰可数名词的复数形式。

    e.g. too many books; too many people

    much too  “太”,修饰形容词或副词。

    e.g. much too expensive; much too late

    13.Will a robot bring any bad changes to your life?


    bring sb. sth. = bring sth. to sb.  “给某人带来某物”

    take sb. sth. = take sth. to sb.  “把某物带给某人”

    e.g. SARS brought a lot of trouble to the Chinese.

    Please take the book to the teachers.

    14.What can you do if you decide that having a robot is too much trouble?


    that having a robot is too much trouble 为宾语从句,做decide的宾语。having a robot 在宾语从句中做主语。

    e.g. We know that going to bed late is not good for our health.


    1.My robot is made to look just like a real person. 


    be made 是被动语态,“被制造”。主动语态应是:

    I make my robot look just like a real person.

    辨析be made to do sth. / be made of / be made from/ be made in / be made by

    be made to do sth. 被迫做某事

    The workers were made to work 10 hours a day.


    make, let, have作使役动词,其后接不带to的不定式作补语,但这类结构变为被动语态时,后面不带to的不定式要转换为带to的不定式。

    be made of 意为“由…原材料制成”,主语为制成品,而且能看出原材料, of后面接表示原材料的名词。

    e.g. This jacket is made of cotton. 这件上衣是棉花做的。

    be made from 意思也是“由…制成”,但制成品不能看出原材料。

    e.g. Paper is made from wood. 纸是由木头制成的。

    be made in 表示某一产品在某地生产或制造,in后面跟表示地点的名词。

    e.g. Trains are made in Zhuzhou. 火车是株州制造的。

    be made by 意为“由(谁)制造的”, by 后面接动作的执行者。

    e.g. The desk was made by his brother.这张桌子是他弟弟做的。

    2.In fact, they are cameras.


    in fact实际上。常用作插入语。

    In fact, his English in one of these articles was so good that Engels wrote him a letter praising for it.


    类似的插入语还有I think(我想),I am afraid(恐怕),you know(你也知道,你是知道的),it seems to me(我觉得),it is said(据说),to tell the truth(老实说),as far as I know(据我所知),for example(例如),to one's surprise(使……惊奇的是)等。e.g.

    He is, I think, the best student in the class.


    To tell the truth, I don't believe in him myself.


    The great painter, it is said, is sometimes very careless about his appearance.


    The conclusion,I'm afraid, is not true. 这个结论恐怕是不正确的。

    3.The robot uses them to take photos of everything it sees.


    (1)take photos 照相,拍照片

    Please take a photo for me !请给我照张相吧!

    Mike took many photos last summer vacation.



    eg. take a shower  沐浴                take one's temperature  量体温

    take turns  轮流              take off  脱下(衣、帽)

    (2)it sees 是定语从句,修饰everything


    ①The result of the experiment was very good,       we hadn't expected(预料).

    A、when        B、that        C、which        D、it



    ②—I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week.

    —Is that the reason       you had a few days off?

    A、why        B、when        C、what        D、where



    4.The robot also has three long arms connected to its chest.


    connect to连接;相连

    Please connect the two speakers to the amplifier.

    注意:connect with与……相连接;与……有联系。如:

    She is connected with the Smiths.

    5.The robot stands on four small wheels.


    on , 表示使用人的脚等器官,或依靠某种方式或方法做一件事,也可表示使用动力等。

    I often go to school on foot. 我常步行上学。

    Walk on tiptoe. 踮起脚尖走!

    He went to town on horse back. 他骑着马进城。

    Most cars run on petrol. 大多数汽车用汽油驱动。



   A   本单元主要学习由连接代词或连接副词引导的宾语从句,that 在宾语从句中只起连接作用,没有含义,也不在从句中充当成分,故可省略。但有些词如连接代词 what, who, whom, which 和连接副词 when, where, how, why,它们在从句中既起连接作用,又在句中担当一个成分,所以不能省略。如:

    Nobody knows where she was born.

    没有人知道她是在哪儿出生的。(where 在从句中做状语)

    We don't know who will teach us English next term.

    我们不知道下学期谁将教我们英语。(who 在从句中作主语)


    (1)如果主句时态用过去时,则从句一般也要用与过去相关的时态。如:He knew that he was wrong.(他知道他错了。)

    (2)that 不能和其他连词重复使用,如:

    Can you tell me that what time it is?(误)

    Can you tell me what time it is?(正)


    Please tell me how can I study English well.(误)

    Please tell me how I can study English well.(正)

    B  (1)in order to do sth.  是“为了做某事”,是动词不定式作目的状语。in order that从句也是“为了……”之意,是目的状语从句,也可用so that从句来换。

    In order to catch up with his classmates, he works harder than ever.


    The teacher explained the passage again and again in order that every student might understand it.


    (2)As a result (由于的)结果;因此常用在有上下文的情况下。例如:

    It was late at night and there was no bus. As a result , we had to walk to He village.


    He had some bad fish, As a result, he felt sick his morning.


    As a result of (=because of… )意思是“由于”例如:

    As a result of fog the flight was delayed.


    He got a rise as the result of his hard work.


    Thousands of people lost their lives as the result of the war.


    (3) In order to keep my flat as clean as new, I had my robot sweep the floor every day.

    have my robot sweep the floor 让我的机器人打扫地板

    have sb. do sth. 使某人做某事,do前省略不定式符号to。与have相搭配的还有:have sth. done表示某事已做了,有三层含义:①表示主语有意识地让别人做某事;②说明主语蒙受伤害、损失;③表示句子的主语可能参与完成的某件事。have sb. done使某人被或受……,have sb. doing使某人做某事,have sth. to do有什么事要做,这种结构中主语是不定式的逻辑主语。


    ①The local government had thousands of trees __________ along the river to __________ those blown down. plant;take the place of

    B.planting;take place of

    C.planted;take the place of

    D.been planted;take place                                (答案:C)

    ②—Would you mind having this letter__________?

    —Sorry, I have something more important__________. type;to do


    C.typed;to do type;done                                         (答案:C)

    ③I'll have a worker __________ it. do

    C.done be doing                                           (答案:B)

    C. need用法小结


    They certainly need your help. (need + n)


    Help should be given to those who need it (need + pron)


    I don't think you need to help him.(need + to do)


    Our farm needs helping in autumn.(need+动词-ing形式)


    注意helping虽是-ing形式,但是含有被动的意思。此句还可以用不定式的被动式来表示,即:Our farm needs to be helped in autumn.

    (2)need 可作情态动词,后跟动词原形,作“需要”,“有必要”解,通常用于否定句中。例如:

    You needn't be so polite to her.你没有必要对她如此客气。

    We needn't hurry.It's still early.我们不要着急,时间还早呢。


    -Need he do it all at once? 他必须立即做完吗?

    -No,he needn't.不必了。 (肯定答语应为Yes,he must.)

    (3)need作名词,构成in need of词组,作“需要……”解。如课文中出现的:

    Her face is pale.She looks as though she is in need of a rest.


    A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情。

    Integrated Skills

    1.There is going to be a robot exhibition.

    一般将来时用在 There be 句式中时,be going to或will之后的动词原形只能用be,也就是说要用There is(are)going to be.... / There will be....。

    There is going to be a football match between our college team and the Peking University.

    Look at the dark clouds, there is going to be a storm.

    There is going to be a film tomorrow evening.


    It seems as if there is going to be a heavy snow.


    2.The exhibition will be held at the Sunshine Town Exhibition Center.

    will be held “将被举行”,是将来时的被动语态。

    Li Ming will be asked to attend the lecture.


     3.It never gets anything wrong.

    anything是不定代词,    形容词在修饰something, anything, nothing, everything这一类不定代词时, 必须把形容词放在它们的后面, 例如:

    something important ,    anything else ,   something enough

    Nothing much.    没有什么事。

    Something English?


    I can see something nice in the shop.

    在那家商店, 我能看到一些好东西。

    Is there anything important in today's paper?


    Jim has nothing much to do this evening.


    4.You need to give it some oil every month and change the batteries every two months.

    every 可以用于“every+基数词+复数可数名词”的结构中,表示“每…”或“每隔…”。例如:

    every three weeks每隔两周(每三周)

    They come to this restaurant every five days.


Main Task

    1.However, I am not at all satisfied with it.

    be satisfied with sb. / sth. = be pleased with sb. / sth. = be happy with sb. /sth. 对某人/某事感到满意。

    2.I am also not happy about the number of checking this robot needs.

    the number of checking this robot needs这个机器人需要检查的次数, 它在句中做介词about的宾语; this robot needs 在句中做the number的定语。

    3.A good robot should only need checking every 6 months. 


    need checking = need to be checked  需要检查

    need, want, require 都有“需要”的意思,常用want / need / require doing sth. 表示被动的含义。

    e.g. Your hair needs cutting = Your hair needs to be cut.

    My room wants cleaning. = My room wants to be cleaned.

    Her mother needs looking after. = Her mother needs to be looked after.


    1.We are sorry to hear that you are not satisfied with your robot.

    (1)be sorry to do…的意思是“对……感到难过 / 抱歉 / 遗憾”, 是对所说或所听到的不幸之事表示一种同情, 例如:

    I'm sorry to hear that your mother is ill.

    听说你母亲病了, 我感到难过。

    I'm sorry to say I can't help you.

    很遗憾, 我帮不了你。

    I'm sorry (that) I broke your cup.

    对不起, 我打破了你的杯子。

    be sorry后还可接for…, 表示“为……感到抱歉遗憾”, 例如:

    I'm sorry for being late. = I'm sorry I'm late.

    对不起, 我迟到了。

    I'm sorry for giving you so much trouble.

    对不起, 给你添了很多麻烦。

    (2)be satisfied with 意思是“对……感到满意”.e.g.

    I am satisfied with your explanation.



    be angry with 生某人的气

    be careful with 对……细心

    be disappointed with 对……感到失望

    be patient with 对……有耐心

    be pleased with 喜欢……,对……感到满意

    2.We look forward to hearing from you soon.

    look forward to doing sth “期待做某事”。

    e.g. I'm looking forward to getting help from you.

    They look forward to visiting the Great Wall.

    hear from sb. = get/ receive a letter from sb.

    e.g. I heard from my friend last week.= I got /received a letter from my friend last week.



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